How to Register Your SMS Templates on DLT: Guide to DLT Template Registration

Digi Chandan Raj


How to Register Your SMS Templates on DLT

How to Register Your SMS Templates on DLT: Guide to DLT Template Registration

In today's digital age, SMS communication remains a powerful tool for businesses to connect with customers. However, regulations like DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) ensure these messages are relevant and desired. To navigate this system, registering your SMS templates on the DLT platform is crucial. This blog post will serve as your comprehensive guide, demystifying the process and equipping you for smooth SMS marketing campaigns.

Understanding DLT and Its Role in SMS Communication

The DLT platform acts as a central registry for all business sender IDs and their associated SMS templates. This system aims to curb unsolicited commercial communication (UCC) by ensuring messages are:

Consent-based: Recipients have opted-in to receive messages from your brand.

Relevant: The content aligns with the chosen template category (transactional or promotional).

Transparent: The sender ID clearly identifies the message origin.

By registering your templates, you gain access to a secure and reliable channel for sending SMS communications. This not only enhances customer experience but also protects your brand reputation by avoiding spam filters and potential penalties.

Stepping into the DLT Arena: A Step-by-Step Guide

The DLT registration process might seem daunting at first glance, but fret not! Here's a breakdown of the key steps involved:

1. Entity Registration:

  • This initial step involves registering your business entity with the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). You'll need documents like your PAN card, company registration certificate, and authorization letter.
  • Partner with a DLT-registered SMS service provider (TSP) who can guide you through the process and provide access to their platform.

2. Sender ID Registration:

  • Sender IDs are the alphabetic or alphanumeric codes that appear at the beginning of SMS messages (e.g., MYBRAND).
  • You can register multiple sender IDs based on your communication needs. Each ID requires separate approval from TRAI.

3. Content Template Registration:

This is where you define the specific messages you intend to send. There are two main categories:

Transactional/Service Implicit: These messages are essential for account-related communication, order updates, delivery notifications, etc. Consent is implied for existing customers.

Promotional/Service Explicit: These messages promote offers, discounts, or other marketing content. Prior consent is mandatory for recipients.

Here's a general outline for registering content templates:

* **Log in** to your TSP's DLT platform.

* **Navigate** to the template registration section.

* **Choose** the template type (transactional or promotional).

* **Craft** a clear and concise template message. You can use variables (e.g., #customername#) to personalize content.

* **Link** the template to the appropriate sender IDs.

* **Submit** the template for approval.

4. Approval Process and Timeline:

  • Once submitted, your templates undergo a review process by the DLT registrar. This typically takes 2-3 business days.
  • You'll receive notifications regarding the approval status. In case of rejection, reasons will be provided for resubmission.

5. Utilizing Approved Templates:

  • Upon approval, you can leverage your registered templates to send SMS campaigns through your TSP's platform.
  • Ensure you adhere to DLT regulations, including sending messages during permissible hours (9 am to 9 pm) and following best practices for content creation.

Points to remember when registering content template on DLT

Here are some key points to remember when registering content templates on the DLT platform:

Template Approval is Mandatory: Every message you send to subscribers needs to be pre-approved as a template. This ensures clear communication and reduces spam.

Categorize Correctly: There are two main categories for templates:

  • Transactional/Service Implicit: Used for essential account-related communication, order updates, delivery notifications, etc. (Consent implied for existing customers).
  • Promotional/Service Explicit: Used for promotions, discounts, or other marketing content. (Requires prior consent from recipients).

Craft Clear and Concise Templates:

  • Keep your message focused and easy to understand for the recipient.
  • Use clear language and avoid jargon.
  • Proofread carefully for any typos or grammatical errors.

Embrace Personalization (Optional):

  • You can leverage variables (e.g., #customername#) to personalize content and make messages more relevant.
  • While optional, personalization can enhance customer engagement.

Link to Relevant Sender IDs:

  • Each template needs to be linked to the appropriate sender ID(s) it will be sent from.
  • Ensure the sender ID aligns with the template content (e.g., promotional sender ID for marketing messages).

Submit for Approval and Monitor Status:

  • Once you've created and categorized your template, submit it for approval through your DLT service provider's platform.
  • The approval process typically takes 2-3 business days.
  • You'll receive notifications regarding the approval status. In case of rejection, reasons will be provided for resubmission.

Optimizing Your DLT Journey: Pro Tips for Success

  • Plan and categorize: Before registering, categorize your SMS needs (transactional vs. promotional) and plan template content accordingly.
  • Maintain clarity: Keep templates concise and easy to understand for recipients.
  • Embrace personalization: Use variables to personalize messages and enhance customer engagement.
  • Stay compliant: Regularly review DLT regulations and update your practices as needed.
  • Partner with a reliable TSP: Choose a DLT-registered TSP with a user-friendly platform and robust support.

Conclusion: Building Trust Through Effective SMS Communication

By following these steps and best practices, you'll successfully navigate DLTtemplate registration and unlock the potential of SMS marketing. Remember, a compliant and well-defined SMS strategy fosters trust with your customers, leading to a more engaged and receptive audience.

DLT SMS Template Registration FAQ

Q: Why do I need to register SMS templates on the DLT platform?

A: DLT registration ensures relevant and desired messages reach recipients. It reduces spam and protects both your brand reputation and customers from unsolicited communication.

Q: What are the steps involved in registering SMS templates?

A: The process typically involves:

1.    Entity Registration: Registering your business with TRAI. (Done with a TSP's help)

2.    Sender ID Registration: Choosing and getting approval for alphanumeric codes that identify your messages (e.g., MYBRAND).

3.    Content Template Registration: Defining your message formats (transactional/promotional) and submitting them for approval.

Q: What are the two main categories for SMS templates?

A: 1. Transactional/Service Implicit: Used for essential, account-related communication (order updates, delivery notifications) where consent is implied for existing customers. 2. Promotional/Service Explicit: Used for promotions, discounts, or marketing content, requiring prior consent from recipients.

Q: How long does the DLT approval process take?

A: The review process typically takes 2-3 business days. You'll receive notifications regarding approval or rejection with reasons for resubmission if needed.

Q: Can I register templates myself, or do I need a TSP?

A: While self-registration is an option, partnering with a DLT-registered SMS service provider (TSP) simplifies the process and offers valuable guidance.

Q: What happens if I don't register my SMS templates?

A: Non-compliance with DLT regulations can lead to financial penalties, suspension of sender IDs, and even legal action.

Q: Are there any additional things to keep in mind when registering templates?

A: Yes!

  • Clarity: Craft clear and concise messages for easy understanding.
  • Personalization (Optional): Use variables (#customername#) to personalize content for better engagement.
  • Link to Sender IDs: Associate each template with the relevant sender ID it will use.


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